Wagner Group

Internationale Vertriebstagung 2023

Die internationale Vertriebstagung bei Walther Pilot war nicht nur ein herausragendes Event, sondern auch eine Quelle der Inspiration für unser gesamtes Team.

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In celebration of Walther Pilot's 100th anniversary, the prestigious international sales conference of J. Wagner took place in Wuppertal. Together, we shaped the future with a strong emphasis on developing innovative sales strategies and deepening collaboration.

With 60 top-notch participants from various countries, this exclusive opportunity facilitated the exchange of best practices and the strengthening of camaraderie. Intensive workshops produced groundbreaking approaches and sparked lively discussions.

The event was a resounding success, leaving us inspired and looking forward to a promising future at Wagner and WaltherPilot!

#SalesConference #Innovation #Collaboration

Hallo Grasfaser!

Hallo Grasfaser!